Thursday, May 31, 2012


          As is the case with most things I start, this blog will probably be covered in dust and stored away in a closet somewhere by next year. We'll see what happens. Maybe my new role as a stay-at-home-mom will force me to eke out some productivity, or at least acceptable hobbies, enough that blogging will become a regular thing.
          Haha! It's easy to say that while my 3-month-old sleeps peacefully behind me in his playpen. Any minute now he'll wake up cranky and inconsolable, and once again I'll feel convinced that the rest of my life will be spent soothing a crying baby. Still, I suppose there are worse careers. And don't get me wrong, mothering a fussy infant does have its upsides. Namely, when he isn't fussing.
          Oh, look. He's awake. I guess I'm done writing for now.