Wednesday, January 30, 2013
We've Heard It All Before But Here's My Two Cents' Worth Anyway
"...I'm pro-God and pro-free will, his greatest gift to mankind, after Christ. So while [abortion] is not something I would choose, its not my place to judge those that do or to force my beliefs down their throats." (--Facebook user's comment in response to Abby Johnson's recent Facebook status)
This is a popular "pro-choice" argument I hear all the time. It seems that regardless of what logical arguments people might make against abortion, this one always circles back around. It's the argument that's supposed to trump all arguments. It says, "My position is the correct one because I can believe that something which is wrong for me is okay for others who don't share my beliefs." It's the politically correct argument that makes others seem wrong for debating it.
In all honesty, though, it's the cop-out argument. It's what you say when you're out of arguments, like agreeing to disagree. And more than being just an abandonment of the issue, this argument is substantially wrong. It says, "I firmly believe this thing is wrong---for me. It's not wrong for people who don't share my beliefs because morality is relative."
If you're like me and you dislike/areterribleat debating, this argument is especially dangerous because you're all too ready to give in and agree when they pull this one out. After all, it's a free country. Why can't we believe that others should have the option to do something even if we consider it to be wrong? It's not up to us. Stop shoving your beliefs down their throats. Their bodies, their choices. Get out of their vaginae. Etc.
But the bottom line is, we can't believe that abortion should be an option because the issue of abortion isn't about choice. Choice is picking a sweater, or deciding where to eat lunch, or who your dentist will be. Choice is deciding to have sex. The issue of whether or not the resulting baby will live to be born should not be a matter of choice, and not because we hate women and don't want them to have choices. It's much simpler than that. We're not fighting women when we don't stand up for women's rights to choose abortion. We're fighting the fact that abortion is a choice because we oppose abortion--not women. Not choice.
Obviously we oppose abortion because we're religious nuts, right? The Church says it's wrong, so we grab our torches and pitchforks and head for the clinic as a big, angry mob. Well, no. The misconception here is that we oppose abortion simply because the Church tells us to, and the Church opposes abortion because it offends the Church. This is incorrect. The Catholic Church opposes abortion because abortion violates natural law, which is universal, in that abortion is the deliberate killing of a human and therefore should be illegal in all cases.
(This is a scientific analysis of abortion; not my own personal opinion. One can't effectively argue using science that a baby in the womb is any less a baby than a baby outside the womb. It is merely smaller, not less. In recent years it seems like people have stopped trying to argue this position anyway. Now, I could go on and on about the science of the matter, but to stick the the topic at hand, I will not.)
So, whether or not you are "pro-God" and "pro-free will" (whatever that means), this law applies to you. Since the natural law is something deeply rooted in the psyche of humankind, it is universal, and since it is universal, it applies to everyone without exception. Therefore, to say that something which you deem immoral may not be immoral for someone else, is inherently wrong. It either is wrong or it isn't. Truth is truth and it applies to everyone or no one. To say we are forcing our beliefs down the throats of the pro-aborts is a diversion from the issue, and to say you are righteous because you look the other way when people make wrong choices under the guise that you are pro-"choice" is incorrect, pointless, and even destructive.
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