Saturday, September 8, 2012

I'm Glad My Mother Is Pro-life.

          The above link leads to a message board thread where mothers (yes, mothers) discussed personhood amendments, mostly with disgust. Apparently it's ridiculous to even imagine that a human embryo is a real person. The responses surprised me because I've actually never encountered people who can declare that so easily, but I suppose I was just naive. 
          I love how one woman described the large number of supporters of the amendments as "scary." Yes, we are the big, scary, oppressive pro-lifers who hate you and care only about your fetus, and naturally we want your life to be a living hell. You nailed it.
          Some of my favorite comments from readers:
          "...granting personhood to a fetus is loony."
          "This legislature is full blown BSC and I honestly would SERIOUSLY consider moving out of this country if it is ever enacted."
          "...personhood amendments are ridiculous."
          "I think they are ridiculous even if it was just abortion, but given the rest of the factors I don't see how anyone could stand for personhood amendments."           
          What you can't see and hear doesn't exist, right? 
          If the baby weren't hidden away inside the woman for nine months, but with the woman's own eyes she could watch it grow and develop, and then with her own eyes watch it be executed during an abortion, she would never say such things. 
          Pray for these women, and for all people who consider a child in the womb anything less than a living, dignified human being.



  1. I've seen this sort of stuff, and just on Facebook. The ignorance than runs rampant amongst even the self-titled "informed" members of our society makes me almost feel true fear. And despair.

    Your blog is legendarily good. I'm not sure why, and I'm not going to think about it too much, nor analyze it, but it is.

    My only irrelevant question is, what is going on in your little profile picture? Is that bystander congratulating you on being married or complaining about you hogging the sidewalk?

  2. I feel some despair myself, sometimes. In another thread, someone wrote in response to a woman who called abortion "murder,"
    "You can't say that... Abortion is legal, so it's not murder."

    Thank you for the compliment. I can't imagine what is so good about it, either.

    Yes, that is a bystander congratulating us. She also told me to "never let go of that dress." She seemed a little crazy.

    1. Aw man, I shouldn't've asked. It was almost more fun imagining the bystander being crochety. "Get off my sidewalk!"

      The thing about your blog may be because it is not too often that you post on it, nor exactly consistent, so it has a certain comfortable freshness about it. So it's not too zany, nor are the posts so many that you are forced to start writing about boring nonsense, but random enough not to be a boring drone along the same usual lines of diatribe.

      But, that's just a guess. Maybe your blog is really quite awful but I am just very bored, chained to this desk.
